Thursday, July 24, 2014

Glasgow rising...

Glasgow Fort Facility, City of Fiana: June 15th 3030

   Pride swelled in the hearts of the people again; how long had it been since they felt that? So many had gone out to fight the Davion invasion, so many failed to return. The best of Glasgow's children sacrificed on the alter to stem the tide with their lives. This is what it meant to be Capellan. "Never give in, always fight". The Motto of The Fort endured even now. With the loss of their meager fighting force ground up in the 4th succession war, they had waited for the next wave but it never came. Always watching, ready to do what they could if the enemy set foot on their beloved soil, the people of Glasgow held firm in their resolve but not until now did they have the means to fight back. Word had gone out that some of their people had come home to rebuild but who were these others they brought with them? 

   The betrayal of the Northwind Highlanders had devastated House Liao's ability to defend the borders. So many lives lost because of a broken promise. But not all of the Highlanders were without honor. Many had chosen to stay and fight, to keep their vow to House Liao and now they needed a new home. They were not many, but the ones who stayed began to gather here at The Fort.

   Rumor has it that they were found by a small unit that risked everything to track these brave soldiers down and bring them back here to fulfill their duty to the Capellan people. They are called The Lost Patrol, led by a young native of Fiana named Max O'Connor, he was the last graduate of The Fort and now they use it as a base of operations until the larger facility being built in Tara can be finished. With the old MekWerks factory being refurbished to build Mechs again, Glasgow would finally be able to defend herself as in the old days of the Star League.

   ComStar had lent their aid in tracking down the loyalist Highlanders still in Capellan space and offered to transport them here. Suspicious of the robed acolytes, the people were grateful of their actions, even if they did not understand why they would do this. The people of Glasgow are an independent and isolated group and they do not trust easily but actions always speak louder than empty words and this is what they look for to judge someone. For now, allies were needed and ComStar had sent dropships and technical support that overloaded the small spaceport in Edinburgh, the capital. What Glasgow needed were MechWarriors and Mechs. Word had gone out to recruit anyone who could serve and wanted a chance to pilot the multi-ton war machines.. The Fort had been the only MechWarrior training facility on Glasgow for centuries but it could only take in 10 students per year, and most of the graduates left to serve in other Capellan units stationed on other worlds. Glasgow's location in the heart of the Capellan Confederation had meant there were other planets that could shoulder the burden of protecting the inner worlds, but now the borders had changed and Glasgow was on the front lines.

   Recruitment posters went out to all the cities and outlying towns for young men and women to make their way to Edinburgh to begin the selection process. Glasgow would rise to the occasion and the people would do their duty as true Capellans.


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