Thursday, February 12, 2015

Sharpening the sword

MekWerks Factory, City of Fiana: September 3rd 3030

   How much longer will this take? Can you believe this guy? He is lucky to HAVE a Mech, don't get on my case about how long it will take to get it working. This Warhammer rebuild was not going as well as we hoped. Many parts had to be reworked to get them to fit since they were taken from other Mechs. Not sure how that Bical SRM 6 was going to work in place of the original Holly, what with having to move it to the left torso due to the damage from the feed system. Reworking that took much longer than anticipated but the techs assure me that it will work even better than before. Of course they always say that. We won't really know until we get it out in the field. Thats when the pilot won't be asking when his Mech will be ready, he will be asking if he was going to blow up next time he pulls the trigger. This was  not really a danger but it doesn't hurt to keep those pilots a little nervous. They need to respect these machines and how hard we have worked to make them. Since Ceres Metals last shipment of parts had already been used up, we have been making due with whatever salvage the Patrol brings in. Some parts were just not designed to go together but that isn't their problem, it was ours. All they had to to was keep the Mechs coming in and we would work our magic. 

   Once we get the Fort supplied, hopefully things will ease off and we can work on streamlining the process, although truth be told, these were some of the most intuitive techs he had ever worked with. Those old vids of Keelan O'Connor talking about how he bypassed systems back in the Star League was a real find. Fortunately the family had give us access to those along with the factory. If it wasn't for the fact that the infrastructure was already in place, I doubt this would have worked at all. For now all we can do is fall back on that good old Capellan stubbornness and get through these tough times. Its not as bad as on other worlds according to the scuttlebutt coming from the ship Captains. Most of the other sectors are being protected by units so worn out or under strength, its a wonder House Davion hasn't finished what they started. Ah well, that kind of thinking won't get this done, we will do what we have always done and push through. Nothing else to do but that. When they attack though, they will not find an undefended world ready for capture, they will find our swords will bite deep and make them pay for every inch of Glasgow soil they tread on.