Friday, August 22, 2014

Dawn on Glasgow

MekWerks Factory, City of Fiana: August 30th 3030

   I still can't get over this new tech, if we could only mass produce this for the whole Confederation we would never have to fear invasion again. Max looked up at the Vindicator and marveled at the changes the ComStar techs had made in his old Mech. It was a solid old workhorse before, but now it was much more. 

   They stripped it down to the bare bones and reworked it all. First they replaced all of the myomers with the new triple strength ones still being perfected by Ceres Metals. These were fixed, unlike the prototypes used during the Davion invasion of Sian. Next they replaced all of the armor with Ferro Fibrous which saved enough weight to install C.A.S.E. in the left torso to protect the LRM ammo. 

   He had heard about some of this lost tech but never thought he would see it, let alone use it. Here in the backwaters of House Liao, we are used to making due with what we have. The old Smasher PPC was replaced with a new kind, or rather an old kind as the ComStar master tech told him. They called it a Snub-nosed PPC; shorter range overall but no minimum and this one comes with an extra surprise, a capacitor to super charge it. Wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that shot. 

   All of this was pretty fancy stuff for what Max had grown up with, but the last thing left all the rest behind. They said it was part of something called a Chameleon Light Polarization Shield. It wasn't a full system but the parts they installed still amazed Max. It made the Mech change color to blend in perfectly with the surrounding terrain. Nowhere near true invisibility but it would certainly allow the pilot to sneak up on an unwary enemy and take them down quickly. These upgrades were all designed to do just that, allow the Lost Patrol to infiltrate Davion staging areas and kill off some of the bastards quickly and quietly and bring back as much of their Mechs as could be dragged back to the Leopard. 

   Once back here, the MekWerks Techs would take it and build something suitable for the dispossessed pilots. According to Bentley, all of the Glasgow Techs were getting an updated course on Mech construction from a ComStar scientist named Sing. He was some kind of genius even in their own organisation, which is saying a lot. These field tests would work out any bugs and give House Liao some new tools to use against House Davion. "Sneaky Capellan" would take on a whole new meaning to those murdering bastards once Max and his crew of similarly equipped pilots landed in their back yards. They would regret ever setting foot on Capellan soil.

   This "Arberghast" would make certain of that. Max named it in the old tongue still spoken on Glasgow in many of the remote areas where he had been born. Roughly translated it meant "the source of ghosts". With the Polarization shield, this Mech was a ghost and it would seek vengeance in the name of all those Capellans lost to the war mongering Davion animals who destroyed his home. The Lost Patrol would do their part to keep their homelands free.

   Even though the Lost Patrol was an independent unit, they still considered themselves loyal to the Glasgow and would gladly fight by their side wherever and whenever they needed  them. For now the Patrol was doing what it needed to do to feed the planet pilots and Mechs. Soon there would be enough forces to strike back into Davion space and when they do, many man Davions will know the wrath of Glasgow. 

Beating plowshares into swords...

MekWerks Factory, City of Fiana: August 26th 3030

   “What do you mean we don't have anymore heat sinks?” *sigh* “Ok, ok, just slap another ton of armor on it 'til the Patrol comes back with the next shipment. Hopefully they will have some more parts so we can get this one done and prep the next one.” Master Tech Bentley just knew it was going to be one of those days, but why should that surprise him, they were all one of THOSE days lately. Endless hours of work, just to get these Mechs working, had left him with a short temper and a shorter set of parts. They had pulled every part from every warehouse in Tara and still they came up short. Glasgow was just not equipped to service so many Mechs. They never had to, but now with the real threat of Davion hanging just over the border, they knew it was time to take care of their own protection. The old MekWerks factory was being refurbished to cobble new Mechs together, but until it was ready for full production again, they would just have to make do with the temporary scaffolding erected outside of the factory grounds.

   Old Keelan O'Connor probably never imagined his personal hobby of building new Mechs from random spare parts would one day form the foundation of Glasgow's defense network. Never had the need been so high, though, so you had to work with what you had, but Capellans had always lived that way. It was core to their being, really. Overcoming adversity by bonding together as a people was common on nearly every planet in House Liao space. Even with the primarily independent minded Glasgoweans, they could still put aside their anarchistic streak to work together for the betterment of Glasgow, as well as the Capellan Confederation. We had never been the poster children for blind obedience to the state, but we were always loyal Capellans in our hearts. Sometimes you needed people who took matters into their own hands to get things done, especially when the machine of the state was too slow.

   Oh, to be sure, we tried to contact Sian and request proper defensive units to shore up our world, but after the devastation wrought by the thrice damned Davions two years before, there were no units available anywhere to send. House Liao's forces were stretched beyond thin everywhere. If it wasn't for Max O'Connor and his ComStar friends, Glasgow would simply be waiting for the next wave of invaders to waltz in and take our home.

   Strange times require even stranger solutions to a problem. The loss of the Northwind Highlanders was certainly a tipping point in the war. One could even argue that had they kept their solemn vows to protect the people of the Confederation, the war would have gone differently. Alas, they showed themselves to be true mercenaries at heart. With the carrot of Northwind dangled before their eyes, they gave away the last of the honor they had earned over the years for the easy satisfaction of fulfilling their desire for a homeworld. But not all were traitorous bastards. There were some who would not give in and break their word. Those few were scattered throughout Capellan space, as well as the recently conquered territories, but, stripped of their means to protect House Liao, they were lost until Max had come home with a plan to find them.

   Using his contacts in ComStar, they had helped to track down the refugees from the Highlanders still in Capellan space and brought them here to Glasgow to form a new defense unit. 
What they didn't have were Mechs and that is where Master Tech Bentley came in. He was in charge of putting together workable Mechs from the parts brought back by the Lost Patrol from raids into Davion Space. They might not be pretty, but by GOD they worked, and that was all any warrior could ask for when it came to a weapon. Ceres Metals had sent a few token batches of parts to help with our effort, but they could only do so much, what with them now being the primary Mech production facility for the entire Confederation. They couldn't send the majority of their supplies to one world. The Strategos would not allow that to happen.

   Rumors of Romano Liao's rise to power came down the pipeline these days. No one doubted the blessed mother's intentions. Harsh times required a strong hand, and our beloved leader Maximilian had not been seen for months. The great war was too hard on him and he had succumbed to the pressures of caring for the Confederation alone. Fortunately he had a strong child to take over for him. Cursed be the name of his other feckless children who turned away from their birthright when we needed them. You would do well not to mention the names of Candice or Tormano in public on Glasgow, unless of course, it is followed by a curse and spit. They were blamed almost as much as the Devil Hanse, for the condition of House Liao.

   We would pull through, we always do, and once the next shipment of parts comes in from the latest raid, Master Tech Bentley would finally be able to get these Mechs done and into the hands of loyal warriors. He knew his job was important for the support and defense of Glasgow, just as everyone working in the factory knew it. We were all Capellans, from the lowest worker who swept the floors at night, to the warriors who shed their blood on the battlefield to keep House Liao free.

   Glasgow would show Davion that our plows could cut deeply when sharpened and honed by the fires of dedication. Our swords may not be pretty, but when they are plunged deep into the chest of your enemy, what does it matter how they look, only that they can kill?